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jQuery Accordion with Arrow (No Bootstrap) - 아코디언 #html / css / js(jquery) 사용해서 만든 Accordion # 심플한 형태의 Accordion / 아코디언 https://codepen.io/nikoso/pen/RwGbZzy jQuery Accordion with Arrow (No Bootstrap) Always being annoyed by the boring accordion of Bootstrap, I created two by using jQuery. Simple but Useful.... codepen.io 2024. 1. 22.
jQuery Drag & Drop Sample #Pure CSS Glassmorphism Modal # html / css / js https://codepen.io/Podgro/pen/MWJjPgM Pure CSS Glassmorphism Modal ... codepen.io #Pantone Color Chips #html / css / js https://codepen.io/jackiezen/pen/vYGPQZK Pantone Color Chips CodePen Challenge: September 2020 — So! Much! HTML! --------- 100 Details/Summary Elements --------- --- Click on the Pantone color chip to toggle betw... codepen.io #Cr.. 2024. 1. 20.
jQuery parents() Method jQuery parents() Method The parents() method returns all ancestor elements of the selected element, all the way up to the document's root element (). [이 parents()메서드는 문서의 루트 요소( ) 까지 선택한 요소의 모든 상위 요소를 반환합니다 .] html parents parents css ul { padding:0; margin:0; list-style:none; } li { height:40px; line-height:40px; text-align:center; border:1px solid #ddd; border-top:0; } li:first-child { border-.. 2022. 1. 12.
jQuery hover() Method The hover() method specifies two functions to run when the mouse pointer hovers over the selected elements. This method triggers both the mouseenter and mouseleave events. (hover() 메서드는 마우스 포인터가 선택한 요소 위에 있을 때 실행할 두 가지 함수를 지정합니다. 이 메서드는 mouseenter 및 mouseleave 이벤트를 모두 트리거 합니다.) html jQuery hover() Methodt jQuery hover() Methodt jQuery hover() Methodt jQuery hover() Methodt jQuery hover() Methodt.. 2022. 1. 8.
jQuery siblings() Method The siblings() method returns all sibling elements of the selected element. (siblings() 메서드는 선택한 요소의 모든 형제 요소를 반환합니다.) html jQuery siblings() Method jQuery siblings() Method jQuery siblings() Method jQuery siblings() Method jQuery siblings() Method css .layout { border:1px solid #dddddd; width:100%; } ul { list-style:none; padding:0 10px; margin:0; } li { margin:10px 0; padding:5px; border:1px s.. 2021. 12. 31.
jQuery parent() Method The parent() method returns the direct parent element of the selected element. (parent() 메서드는 선택한 요소의 직접적인 부모 요소를 반환합니다.) html Hello Lorem Ipsum Dolor css .color { color:red; font-size:2em; font-weight:bold; } Jquery $( '.p1' ).parent( 'div.d1' ).css( 'font-size', '2em'); $( '.p1' ).parent().siblings('h3').addClass('color'); Result(결과) 2021. 12. 31.
jQuery find() Method The find() method returns descendant elements of the selected element. (find() 메서드는 선택한 요소의 하위 요소를 반환합니다.) html Lorem Ipsum Dolor Lorem Ipsum Dolor css .color { color:red; font-size:2em; font-weight:bold; } Jquery $( '.a' ).find( 'span.s2' ).css( 'font-size', '2em'); $( '.b' ).find( 'span.s3' ).addClass('color'); Result(결과) 2021. 12. 31.
alert message box(간단한 경고 메세지 박스) 간단한 경고 메세지 창 소스를 알아보자 html 부분 × Danger! Indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action. × Success! Indicates a successful or positive action. × Info! Indicates a neutral informative change or action. × Warning! Indicates a warning that might need attention. CSS 분분 .alert { padding: 20px; background-color: #f44336; color: #ffffff; margin-bottom: 15px; } .alert.success {background-color: #04.. 2021. 12. 30.
Scattered Polaroids Gallery - 슬라이더 A flat-style Polaroid gallery where the items are scattered randomly in a container. When a specific item is selected, it will move to the middle while the other Polaroids will make space for it by moving to the sides. Optionally, an item can have a backface which will be shown by flipping the Polaroid when clicking on the current navigation dot again. View demoMore info 2016. 11. 18.
Tilted Content Slideshow - 슬라이더 A tutorial on how to recreate the slideshow seen on the FWA landing page with 3D effects involving random animations. View demoMore info 2016. 11. 17.
jQuery Image Slideshow Plugin - 슬라이더 A nice photo goes a long way towards making a design stand out. But we at Tutorialzine realized that sometimes a single picture is not enough and what you really need is a smooth slideshow of images to capture the user’s attention and bring dynamics to the app. However, the implementation of such slideshows can sometimes be tricky, so we decided to make a tiny plugin to do the job for you. View .. 2016. 11. 16.
How to Create a Tiled Background Slideshow - 슬라이더 A tutorial that shows how to recreate the four tiles slideshow effect seen on the website of Serge Thoroval. Using 3D transforms, transitions and animations, the aim is to implement a smooth effect and add some variations. View demoMore info 2016. 11. 14.