#Pure CSS Glassmorphism Modal
# html / css / js
#Pantone Color Chips
#html / css / js
#Craft Stationery Drag & Drop Mockup Scene
#html(Pug) / css(sass) / js(coffeescript)
#Draggable Overflow
#html(Haml) / css(scss) / js
#gridstack.js is a modern Typescript library designed to help developers create beautiful draggable, resizable, responsive layouts with just a few lines of code.
You can create more advanced grids: allow users to persist changes, create a sidebar of widgets to drag into your grid, nested grids, and much more.
- pure TS can be used in any UI framework
- mobile support
- draggable, resizable items
- drag'n'drop from sidebar to insert/delete
- responsive layouts, column based
- save/restore
- drag between multiple grids
- nested grids, including creation on the fly to any depth
- Angular (included), demo and external Vue, React, Ember, Knockout.js bindings and more
#Fancytree is a JavaScript tree view / tree grid plugin with support for keyboard, inline editing, filtering, checkboxes, drag'n'drop, and lazy loading.
#jQuery Gridly
Gridly is a jQuery plugin to enable dragging and dropping as well as resizing on a grids. In the example below try tapping or dragging any of the bricks.
#Table Drag and Drop JQuery plugin
A very basic jQuery plugin to shift element position by drag
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