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overHang.js #jquery #Author : Paul K. #Flat Sliding Top Notification Plugin For jQuery - overHang.js #A JQuery plugin to display sleek, instant notifications, confirmations or prompts inside a given element. https://paulkr.github.io/overhang.js/ overhang.js Demo A JQuery plugin to display sleek, instant notifications, confirmations or prompts inside a given element. Try me Success Message Try me $("body").o.. 2024. 2. 14.
jQuery Plugin - MessageBox #jquery #Author : Gaspare Sganga #jQuery Plugin To Replace Native JS Popup Boxes - MessageBox #confirm plugin https://gasparesganga.com/labs/jquery-message-box/#examples jQuery MessageBox - Gaspare Sganga 7 October 2019 : Version 3.2.0 released: see release notes! Contents Quick Demo Try a simple jQuery MessageBox! Try a more complex jQuery MessageBox! Get it GitHub View project on GitHub or dow.. 2024. 2. 14.
jQuery Plugin - ssi-modal #jquery #Author : Mike #Multifunction Customizable Modal Plugin For jQuery - ssi-modal #ssi-modal is the most flexible and powerful modal window. #confirm plugin https://ssbeefeater.github.io/#ssi-modal/examples ssi-modal ssbeefeater.github.io 2024. 2. 14.
Popup dialog boxes for Bootstrap #jquery #Author : Ricardo Gonçalves #BootPopup is a JavaScript library intended to simplify the task of creating Bootstrap modals. #jQuery Confirm Plugin https://www.rigon.uk/bootpopup/ BootPopup - Popup dialog boxes for Bootstrap BootPopup Popup dialog boxes for Bootstrap. Download latest Available via npm Available via bower AMD support: require.js www.rigon.uk 2024. 2. 14.
The multipurpose alert & confirm #jquery #A multipurpose plugin for alert, confirm & dialog, with extended features. #confirm plugin https://craftpip.github.io/jquery-confirm/ jquery-confirm.js | The multipurpose alert & confirm A multipurpose alert & confirm plugin, alternative to the native alert() and confirm() functions. Supports features like auto-close, themes, animations, and more. craftpip.github.io 2024. 2. 14.
jQuery Accordion with Arrow (No Bootstrap) - 아코디언 #html / css / js(jquery) 사용해서 만든 Accordion # 심플한 형태의 Accordion / 아코디언 https://codepen.io/nikoso/pen/RwGbZzy jQuery Accordion with Arrow (No Bootstrap) Always being annoyed by the boring accordion of Bootstrap, I created two by using jQuery. Simple but Useful.... codepen.io 2024. 1. 22.
jQuery Drag & Drop Sample #Pure CSS Glassmorphism Modal # html / css / js https://codepen.io/Podgro/pen/MWJjPgM Pure CSS Glassmorphism Modal ... codepen.io #Pantone Color Chips #html / css / js https://codepen.io/jackiezen/pen/vYGPQZK Pantone Color Chips CodePen Challenge: September 2020 — So! Much! HTML! --------- 100 Details/Summary Elements --------- --- Click on the Pantone color chip to toggle betw... codepen.io #Cr.. 2024. 1. 20.
jQuery parents() Method jQuery parents() Method The parents() method returns all ancestor elements of the selected element, all the way up to the document's root element (). [이 parents()메서드는 문서의 루트 요소( ) 까지 선택한 요소의 모든 상위 요소를 반환합니다 .] html parents parents css ul { padding:0; margin:0; list-style:none; } li { height:40px; line-height:40px; text-align:center; border:1px solid #ddd; border-top:0; } li:first-child { border-.. 2022. 1. 12.
jQuery hover() Method The hover() method specifies two functions to run when the mouse pointer hovers over the selected elements. This method triggers both the mouseenter and mouseleave events. (hover() 메서드는 마우스 포인터가 선택한 요소 위에 있을 때 실행할 두 가지 함수를 지정합니다. 이 메서드는 mouseenter 및 mouseleave 이벤트를 모두 트리거 합니다.) html jQuery hover() Methodt jQuery hover() Methodt jQuery hover() Methodt jQuery hover() Methodt jQuery hover() Methodt.. 2022. 1. 8.
jQuery siblings() Method The siblings() method returns all sibling elements of the selected element. (siblings() 메서드는 선택한 요소의 모든 형제 요소를 반환합니다.) html jQuery siblings() Method jQuery siblings() Method jQuery siblings() Method jQuery siblings() Method jQuery siblings() Method css .layout { border:1px solid #dddddd; width:100%; } ul { list-style:none; padding:0 10px; margin:0; } li { margin:10px 0; padding:5px; border:1px s.. 2021. 12. 31.
jQuery parent() Method The parent() method returns the direct parent element of the selected element. (parent() 메서드는 선택한 요소의 직접적인 부모 요소를 반환합니다.) html Hello Lorem Ipsum Dolor css .color { color:red; font-size:2em; font-weight:bold; } Jquery $( '.p1' ).parent( 'div.d1' ).css( 'font-size', '2em'); $( '.p1' ).parent().siblings('h3').addClass('color'); Result(결과) 2021. 12. 31.
jQuery find() Method The find() method returns descendant elements of the selected element. (find() 메서드는 선택한 요소의 하위 요소를 반환합니다.) html Lorem Ipsum Dolor Lorem Ipsum Dolor css .color { color:red; font-size:2em; font-weight:bold; } Jquery $( '.a' ).find( 'span.s2' ).css( 'font-size', '2em'); $( '.b' ).find( 'span.s3' ).addClass('color'); Result(결과) 2021. 12. 31.