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Star rating (with animation) #html / css / js #Author : replyre #Star rating (with animation) #rating / 등급 / 별점 https://codepen.io/replyre/pen/gOqbOXb Star rating (with animation) ... codepen.io 2024. 2. 17.
CodePen HomejQuery Rating Star #html / css / js #Author : Ahmad Milzam #jQuery Rating Star #rating / 등급 / 별점 https://codepen.io/ahmadmilzam/pen/gLNJEd jQuery Rating Star Simple and lightweight jquery rating star plugin... codepen.io 2024. 2. 17.
Cool star rating with JQuery and font awesome #html / css(scss) / js #Author : Rafał Grzejszczyk #Cool star rating with JQuery and font awesome #rating / 등급 / 별점 https://codepen.io/Rafiozoo/pen/Vjeepj Cool star rating with JQuery and font awesome ... codepen.io 2024. 2. 17.
Ratyli: jQuery Rating Plugin #html / css / js #Author : Peter Varga #Ratyli: jQuery Rating Plugin #rating / 등급 / 별점 https://codepen.io/peet86/pen/LEzrYy Ratyli: jQuery Rating Plugin A demo for my simple jquery rating library. With this small query plugin you can create star rating with custom icons and callbacks. ... codepen.io 2024. 2. 17.
Star Rating with jQuery #html / css / js #Author : dan #Star Rating with jQuery #rating / 등급 / 별 https://codepen.io/dmfarcas/pen/MaZVWR Star Rating with jQuery jQuery noob, fiddling around... codepen.io 2024. 2. 17.
jQuery Bar Rating #html / css / js #Author : Saray GM #jQuery Bar Rating #rating / 등급 / 별점 https://codepen.io/saraygarmin/pen/bqKbwv jQuery Bar Rating ... codepen.io 2024. 2. 17.
simple jquery rating stars #html / css / js #Author : misunssong #simple jquery rating stars #rating / 등급 / 별점 https://codepen.io/misunssong/pen/gObmoRb simple jquery rating stars ... codepen.io 2024. 2. 17.
Rating Stars Widget with React #html / css/ Babel #Author : Deepak Kamat #Rating Stars Widget with React #Rating Star Widget with ReactJS #A simple rating widget using ReactJS and FontAwesome (5!) icons. #Rating / 등급 / 별점 https://codepen.io/depy/details/EQoGeG/ Rating Stars Widget with React A little demonstration of a working star rating widget (re)created in ReactJS. Plug it in with your back-end logic and you are good to g.. 2024. 2. 17.
Rating Stars with simple jQuery #html / css / js #Author : Deepak Kamat #Rating Stars with simple jQuery #Rating Widget #A simple star rating widget with jQuery and FontAwesome icons. #Rating / 등급 https://codepen.io/depy/pen/vEWWdw Rating Stars with simple jQuery A simple star rating widget. ... codepen.io 2024. 2. 17.
simpleDialog - Bootstrap #jquery #Author : Jithin Vijayan #simpleDialog - Bootstrap #simpleDialog is a jQuery plugin to create responsive, customizable alert, confirmation dialog popups with Bootstrap modal components. Compatible with both Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4. https://codepen.io/iamjithin/full/eymqmL simpleDialog Usage simpleDialog working based on bootstrap modal with customised options... codepen.io 2024. 2. 15.
Fallr.js #jquery #Author : Faisal Salman #Feature-rich Dialog Modal Popup Plugin For jQuery - Fallr.js #Fallr.js - Fancy, simple, yet elegant message / alert / prompt / dialog / popup / notification / modal box jQuery plugin https://fallr.js.org/ Fallr.js - Fancy, simple, yet elegant modal box jQuery plugin fallr.js.org 2024. 2. 15.
jConfirm #jquery #Author : HTMLGuy #Lightweight jQuery Confirmation Tooltip Plugin - jConfirm #jConfirm - Confirmation Tooltip #jQuery confirmation plugin https://htmlguyllc.github.io/jConfirm/ jConfirm - jQuery Confirmation Tooltip htmlguyllc.github.io 2024. 2. 15.